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Mark would like to learn from your experience in one of his Vocalcraftwork sessions.
Your name
Your choir or ensemble
Location of workshop
Date of Vocalcraftwork session
Your email address (optional)
How was your experience?
What one thing can you take away and use to make your singing easier and/or more enjoyable?
Did you find the information given to you relevant and interesting? Yes very Mostly Fairly A little Not at all
Was there something you would like to know about in greater depth?
What aspect of singing do you like the best?
What was the general response of the session from the choir, from your perspective?
Thank you. Your comments will guide me to help you, and your choir, in the future. Mark Oldfield might like to respond to you personally or quote you on your experience of a Vocalcraftwork session. Please tick Yes or No. Yes No
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